Free Choice

Dear Parents,

The conscious discipline nugget this week is about "Bechira Chofshit"- Free choice. We were given the opportunity by Hashem to 'choose' to receive and live in his love - or to reject Him.

Each given moment we make that choice by our own words and actions. The more we feel that choice - the easier it is to choose good ... It's the same with our children. The more opportunities we give the children to make choices (they don't have to be good or not good choices - obviously the choices should be both acceptable choices) the more capable and confident they will become in being able to make choices. As they mature, this will lead to being able to make decisions, they will learn that their decisions create outcomes that they are responsible for, allowing them to deal with the outcomes and consequences. Children who are afraid to make choices or decisions fear being blamed for the outcomes or of harsh treatment due to the outcomes.

Let us let them deal with the negative consequences without blame or harsh criticism. This will give them the space to learn from their own mistakes and give them the ability to continue making choices and decisions - and better ones!

Wishing you a Gmar Chatima Tova and an easy and meaningful fast,

Dassie New

The Takeaway:

Every time we say or do something, we are actively choosing to do so.

Giving children the opportunity to choose gives them the confidence to make decisions.

It also teaches them the idea of free will, and that their actions have a reaction and a consequence, some good, others not.


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