Preventing Anxiety

Dear Parents,

Seder and routine are vital to a child's sense of calm. Having structure that follows a schedule that gives a child familiarity of knowing what the day looks like and what comes next is one of the anchors of confidence building. Small changes can throw children off. A teacher being absent, a parent arriving late to carpool, opening an empty lunchbox, can all bring a child to tears because the expected did not happen. Always tell the child in advance when possible. Spontaneous behaviour is built slowly with a parent's hand holding after the structure is strong. We should not make the mistake of thinking the more surprises the child has, the more confident and easy going he/she will become. Let's remember - "Predictability prevents anxiety".

Shabbat Shalom

Dassie New

The Takeaway:

A consistent visual schedule helps build predictability and safety into the child’s day. Recognize the importance of following the same schedule every day.

Predictability prevents anxiety.

Knowing what comes next helps create smooth and helpful transitions. For children who are anxious, having a visual of their day is calming and reassuring.


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