Teeth Brushing 101

Let's start with the basics this week: brushing our teeth.

What may seem like second nature to adults is a new opportunity to learn for young children. Before we begin discussing how, let's talk about why. Of course, we know why it is important to brush our teeth, but explaining the reasoning and greater context of this twice daily routine to our little ones is essential to establishing a lifelong habit of hygiene. Below is a quick video discussing why it is important to brush our teeth. Feel free to watch it and communicate the content to your child yourself if you wish to limit screen time.

Now, let's get into the how. For some parents, getting their children into the independent habit of brushing and flossing can be like, well, pulling teeth. Here are some tips:

  1. Make it a habit you do together. Children love emulating the people they look up to most - their parents! If they have their own bathroom, consider leaving an extra tooth brush and flossers for your use so you can complete the task together.

  2. If you are transitioning from brushing your little one's teeth to them doing it independently, make the baby step from dependency to independency by brushing each other's teeth.

  3. Have a 'play toothbrush and flosser' for your child to use on dolls and stuffed animals. (Of course, make sure the play tooth brush doesn't go in their own mouth.)

  4. Make a game out of it! Use a small flashlight to "inspect" for plaque to make sure they got everything!

  5. Give them options; toothpaste flavor, color of their tooth brush/flossers, etc. Ask them, “Do you want to brush your top teeth or bottom teeth first?”

  6. Sing/play a song along with brushing their teeth to make sure they are brushing for the full two minutes. An example of a song can be found HERE.

  7. Have a bedtime checklist in a plastic pouch that dry erase markers can be used on. A sample of a checklist can be found HERE. Let your child check off each task themselves to foster a sense of accomplishment. 

We believe in a partnership between school and home but also between families! Do you have any tips that work at home (does not have to pertain to this week’s healthy habit subject)? Click HERE to help your fellow parents!

Happy brushing!


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